New York Traffic Law Attorney
Located in Brooklyn, The Law Office of Anthony Sharnov represents individuals in a variety of New York Vehicle and Traffic Law disputes throughout the State of New York. Our mission is to provide the highest quality representation possible for our clients in order to obtain the best result achievable in every case
Call us for help in fighting any ticket you receive in New York State. We protect your interests and fight on your behalf to get tickets dismissed. We can help you with all tickets including all criminal cases.

Traffic Tickets
Almost everyone who has a driver’s license and drives will receive a ticket at some point in their lives. What many people do not realize is that when you pay for your ticket you are essentially pleading guilty and will have to pay a fine, plus surcharge and also you may receive points.Parking Tickets
Ten million parking tickets are written every year in NYC, generating more than a half-billion dollars. If we don’t win your parking ticket then you don’t pay! As soon as you receive a parking ticket please call us. We will examine the ticket. We will be able to immediately tell you if we can win.

Criminal Tickets
We will represent you in criminal court for all DWI/DUI cases, drug related charges, reckless driving and any other criminal offense you are charged with. Having an experienced criminal defense lawyer in New York may help you avoid many of the consequences of a criminal charge.
From Our Blog
Traffic Violation Points in New York
List of points for tickets in NY. Points on your New York Drivers License can cause your license to be suspended or revoked. Please note that insurance companies may also have "point systems" of their own. These have no relationship to, and should not be confused...